Never once did we ever walk alone…
Many of you who have been keeping up with our prayer requests know that Isaac had to have a procedure this past week to have his esophagus reopened at the place where it had been fused just a few days after he was born. Scar tissue had completely closed off the opening in just a few weeks since the last look at it. We are now dealing with the complications that occurred while this procedure was being done. The short version is that he had his right lung collapse from a perforation in his esophagus and possibly his lung. The lung collapse and leaking fluid into his chest cavity keeps him in the Pediatric ICU as I write this. Our stay will be as long as it takes to heal his esophagus and to have the chest tube removed. Our biggest need for prayer is for no infection. We also pray for the increased temperature he has been running. Crud, another hospital stay. Another week or more of living at the hospital. Another week of our family being separated. Another week of having to die to self-centeredness. Another week of seeing Isaac in pain. Another week of pain for us. As I was sitting in his dark room the other night I had allowed a hint of “this sucks” to enter my thoughts…until I was blessed with a new friend sending this to us. Last Saturday, after knowing that Isaac was facing having a nose tube placed for an indefinite amount…
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