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Strength to Care

Lessons from Matthew & Isaac – Our CHARGE Syndrome Journey

We wait, the night before…

The day of testing went well and we are now settled in the hotel for the night. We are thankful that the University of Michigan has a 30 bed hotel for guests wishing to stay right at the hospital.

The cardiologist was encouraged with the echo and with the images made with a 3D imaging machine…pretty cool stuff. The plan is still to repair the valve.

We are now scheduled to admit Matthew at 10:30 am…the surgery should last about 4 hours but we will have prep and recovery room time on either side of that. If you think of it, say a prayer when you take your lunch on Friday as Matthew will be in the early to middle stages of the surgery.

Theresa and I thank all of you for the kind words of encouragement, the promise to pray and for the overwhelming response to sending the prayer request for Matthew to your friends and prayer partners. We are also very blessed by our own church community and fellow ministry co-workers back in Grand Rapids…you are literally “with us” every time we walk in the guest room you helped provide. Once again you have proved what it means to act like Christ.

We look forward to reporting good news tomorrow afternoon/evening after Matthew is settled in to the Peds ICU.

If you feel led to do so, we welcome you to “share” this prayer request with your friends and prayer partners…Kevin & Theresa


  1. Sally Van Horn

    We will continue to pray

  2. Tom VanderKamp

    I want you to know that Matthew is in my thoughts and prayers at this moment as he will be all day. I know this is a difficult day for for all of you and I pray that God’s loving kindness will shine brightly on Matthew today. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

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