Many of you who have been keeping up with our prayer requests know that Isaac had to have a procedure this past week to have his esophagus reopened at the place where it had been fused just a few days after he was born. Scar tissue had completely closed off the opening in just a few weeks since the last look at it. We are now dealing with the complications that occurred while this procedure was being done. The short version is that he had his right lung collapse from a perforation in his esophagus and possibly his lung. The lung collapse and leaking fluid into his chest cavity keeps him in the Pediatric ICU as I write this. Our stay will be as long as it takes to heal his esophagus and to have the chest tube removed. Our biggest need for prayer is for no infection. We also pray for the increased temperature he has been running.
Crud, another hospital stay. Another week or more of living at the hospital. Another week of our family being separated. Another week of having to die to self-centeredness. Another week of seeing Isaac in pain. Another week of pain for us. As I was sitting in his dark room the other night I had allowed a hint of “this sucks” to enter my thoughts…until I was blessed with a new friend sending this to us. Last Saturday, after knowing that Isaac was facing having a nose tube placed for an indefinite amount of time, we quickly pulled together having some family pictures taken. Here is what I watched and cried along with after my brief moment of pity. Make sure you turn on your speakers…the lyrics make all the difference.
Photos and compilation: Andrea Perron Photography, LLC
Never once
Did we ever walk alone
Never once
Did You leave us on our own
You are faithful
God, You are faithful Matt Redman – Never Once 10,000 Reasons
When did my little girls turn into such beautiful young women? When did Matthew grow up into a handsome boy? Wasn’t Sarah Anne just a baby? Where was our faith life before Isaac? Is it possible that my wife has become more beautiful in spirit and in appearance?
Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Never once
Did we ever walk aloneCarried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once
No we never walk alone Matt Redman – Never Once 10,000 Reasons
How could I ever host a pity party? You are faithful, God You are faithful. All kinds of emotions came flooding back from the past several years of our marriage, our kids, our families. Never once did we ever walk alone.
It is amazing how a single song or a few encouraging words can make a difference. There have been many times we have individually wanted to throw in the towel only to have that towel become another moment of blessing.
I have been amazed with how many people have become a part of our journey in prayer and support. For those who have continued to pray, thank you. For those who have helped us financially at times, thank you. For those who have provided a meal or helped with child care, thank you. I have shared several times with people about the unique perspective we have of how God works in and through his people. We have heard many times over the years that our story inspires people. We are inspired by your testimony as God prompts you in prayer, you listen and then you respond to needs. Never once did we ever walk alone.
Please continue to pray for the Troupe’s. Isaac could use the most now as his fragile body heals and fights through this latest setback. It really is not a setback since they were able to find a path through. The alternative if this did not work was to do reconstructive surgery and actually move his stomach up into a place in his chest. Pray for the rest of us as we negotiate the rest of our family life over the next week or so while we are with Isaac in the hospital.
Kevin is available for speaking to groups of any size. Click on the “Want Kevin to speak at your event?” tab above for more information. You may share our story, our prayer needs and this blog as you feel led by using the share buttons below. If you would like updates on when new content is added to the blog or to keep up with current prayer requests for the Troupe’s you may subscribe at the top of the right hand column of this blog.
Also a HUGE THANK YOU to Ring Around Photography – Rose Rockhold for literally dropping everything to come over and take the stunning individual shots of Isaac the day before his procedure. She did a phenomenal job of capturing his spirit in her photos. I am forever grateful!!!!
Keeping all of you in my thoughts…hope you are all home together very soon…xo
wonderful video and portraits of your beautiful family. Praying for you…love the song—that album is amazing! Your insights are so helpful to me!
Thanks Marge. We pray for you and the family often.
Dear Troupes…
Keeping you all very, very close…..kisses all around and love to surround you.
Blessings to you Pam
What a wonderful blessing the words of the song are, the photos of your family so beautiful, the honesty of the writer who might certainly feel justified in having a pity party, but has a soft heart to turn it into a praise of God’s faithfulness. thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your prayer and kind words.
I needed the reminder of His faithfulness and that I NEVER WALK ALONE…going through some things. But I know you are in a major medical struggle right now, and will be praying for you all, including the medical staff…good to take the focus off myself! It is always better to pray for someone else…I find it relieves my own burden. Thank you for the reminder.
Marilyn, we never walk alone. Thank you for your prayer support.
I can’t always find time to read the blogs, but this one called to me. I love the song! It is so needed by us right now. Althought we have had a terrible year, and have had to watch our kids suffer physically, we haven’t had to watch quite the same level of pain that you have in Isaac. Watching a child suffer has to be one of the most difficult things to do in life!
As I see how gorgeous the girls have become, it makes me long for those days gone by of slumber parties and late nights! I wish we were closer! Sounds as if you have a wonderful support system. I don’t want to downplay what we do have, but I must say that we are envious of that. Treasure that with all you have!!
Ruth, it is never too late for sleep overs. Hannah and Megan still enjoy them! Praying for your family as well.
WOW!! How true is that!! He will never leave us or forsake us. And HE has given you a perfectly beautiful family!! Now where is the kleenex?
Cheri, thank you.
Wow, never once!! Thank you for your witness and for sharing your beautiful family with us. Your witness to all of us reaches deeply into the soul. I kneel now to pray and lift Isaac and your family for God to continue to reveal Himself and for His body to continue to encourage and lift you all.
I think you should win the award for two of the “best parents God has blessed with beautiful children.” I suffered with a inward disorder, and with God’s healing I have overcome much. But please don’t ever feel sorry for me. God has made me unique and His grace is sufficient. I’ll be perfect in heaven. Thanks for sharing your family dynamic with us. Many people will be blessed and comforted, as I have.
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